With an average of 130k daily visits, Product Hunt is THE international community around new technologies and new products.
Succeeding in your Product Hunt launch is a great way to gain international brand awareness. It’s also an opportunity to gather feedback on your product.
But to achieve this, you have to finish at the top of the leaderboard.
Each day, 20 to 40 products compete for the title of Product of the Day. It’s a real challenge: a fierce competition that lasts 24 hours.
No room for error. Everything must be calculated and measured to maximize your actions on the launch day and your chances of winning the title.
This is where automated prospecting campaigns become interesting to:
- Raise awareness within your LinkedIn network about your upcoming launch.
- Gather vote pledges to activate these key contacts on launch day.
Note that this campaign aims to help you better target the people who will support you on launch day. Therefore, it should be implemented at least two weeks before your launch date.
Ready to start?
Challenge description
The challenge is to win as many votes as possible during the 24-hour launch period.
Of course, it is advised to send an email to your user base and/or leads. But this practice is limited for several reasons:
- The impact of an email is far less than a 1:1 conversation on LinkedIn.
- Product Hunt is very vigilant about actions considered spammy. Up to several hundred votes can be removed if such emailing is detected.
This is why it is essential to launch 1:1 campaigns with:
- Your own LinkedIn network.
- The network of team members.
However, you’ve got only 24 hours to make a difference. Therefore, it is technically impossible to contact your entire network on that single day. As a reminder, LinkedIn limits the sending of DMs to 250-300 per day.
The strategy consists of setting up two campaigns:
- 15 days prior the launch: reach LinkedIn team membres networks to identify who would agree to support on the D-day.
This campaign consists of:
- Sending a first message requesting support on D+1.
- Sending a simple follow-up on D+3. Contacts who respond positively are qualified and added to a dedicated audience.
- On launch day: with this dedicated audience, to activate only those who have committed to voting.
This campaign consists of a single LinkedIn message inviting them to support the launch.
This way, it’s easy to secure a maximum number of pledged votes in advance and to focus your efforts on these key players on the launch day, without being considered spammy.
Audience description
This sequence brings you into contact with your 1st-degree LinkedIn network. That is, the people you can send a message to.
Among your network, we advise you to contact people who already have a Product Hunt account.
Why? Product Hunt automatically removes votes from inactive accounts created less than 7 days ago. So even if friends want to support you, it is not possible if they are not already active in the community.
How to extract your LinkedIn network? Follow our step-by-step video.
Learn How to identify if my contacts are on Product Hunt:
To find the Product Hunt profile of your contacts, use this Google Sheet !