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Wall of love
Centralize all your LinkedIn and Email conversations. Save time by managing your responses from one place.
Available from Pro plan.
14 Days Free | No Credit Card Required
Tired of having to switch between your LinkedIn and email inboxes ? With our multichannel inbox, all your conversations are grouped by leads, in a single interface.
Sort your messages by status or campaign, and easily locate leads to follow up with. Everything is at your fingertips for time efficiency!
Keep your inbox tidy with Snooze, providing a clutter-free environment.
This feature allows you to temporarily set aside lead conversation where you already replied and wait for their response.
Focus on active conversations now and quickly see which conversations are awaiting your answer or need to be followed up.
Simplify the qualification of responses by categorizing and prioritizing the hottest leads.
With just one click, determine whether it’s a won deal, a missed opportunity, or simply bad timing.
An unexpected absence, a colleague on vacation, a permanent departure… after 48 hours without a response, an opportunity can quickly turn into a missed deal.
Access your colleagues LinkedIn and email messages and take over while they’re away.
Are you facing recurring questions? Our inbox saves you time by using canned response templates.
Access your LinkedIn and Email templates at any time and share them with your team members.
Train your new rookies with real-life cases and keep an eye on their conversations!
You can access your colleagues’ LinkedIn messages and emails and take over while they are out of the office.
Streamline your process by managing all your communications in one place while effortlessly identifying and prioritizing high-quality leads and deals.
Playing with filters
Easily find your unread, favorites, archived conversations or those concerning a specific audience.
Creating message templates
Create ready-to-use response templates to reply to your prospect in one click.
Switching channels
Choose to respond to your prospect via email or LinkedIn, all from a single one interface.
Explore some practical examples of what you can do using our multichannel inbox.
Sales Manager
I can visualize the conversations and adapt the strategy accordingly, whether it's at the level of workflow or copywriting.
I can quickly connect with candidates, create message templates, and filter conversations in a single interface.
I can get the right audience at the right time, improving my conversion rate, and making me closer from my sales targets.
My Sales team can work together on the same campaigns and collaborate remotely.
Do you only believe
what you see?
No credit card required, cancel at any time.