Your LinkedIn profile is up to date, optimized for sales, and you prepared your copywriting based on the (small) segments you identified. But still, you can’t seem to get enough replies!

You might wind up just asking your lead to redirect you to “the right person for this”. But let’s be honest here, how often has that worked out?

Well, with La Growth Machine, you can avoid all this awkwardness thanks to the different Identities you can connect!

The multi-identity strategy is pretty self-explanatory; the salesperson uses the first identity to outreach different leads. If I don’t get enough replies, we build on it using a second identity that’s higher in the hierarchy.

Basically, if my cold outreach campaign fails to deliver replies, then Adrien -my superior, steps in.

Automate your LinkedIn outreach with La Growth Machine
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But don’t just create yet another cold campaign!

Before you jump to LGM and start creating campaigns left and right, we have to lay some ground rules for this strategy to work well.

The whole point of this strategy is to build on the cold outreach of the first identity:

  • Be transparent: Own up to the fact that this is the second attempt you tried to reach your lead.

Hi {{firstname}}! I know that {{identity.firstname}} tried to reach out already, but I wanted to let you know that your account is a top priority for us. I think we should work together.

Let’s make it happen! 🙂

  • Go up in the hierarchy: We need to flatter the lead and show them they’re really important to our business. So we use more and more senior profiles for the follow-ups; Identity 1: Salesperson ➡️ Identity 2: Head of Sales ➡️ Identity 3: Founder.
  • Start with LinkedIn: …and try to stay on there! This is the key element of this strategy. The beautiful thing about LinkedIn is that with every connection request, you showcase your title. Here the “Head of Sales” clearly stands out, and if the lead wants to learn more about you, they can simply check your profile. So don’t forget to optimize your LinkedIn profile!

So let’s see how to do this with a campaign that we love showcasing! 👉

Multi-identity campaign with LGM:

This strategy really catches your leads off guard as no one expects to be followed up with by the CEO or the Head of the department! And the best part? It’s fully automatable!

Here’s the sequence:

Let’s quickly analyze how I approach this type of campaign:

We start with a simple connection request because again, LinkedIn is key in this strategy:

Hi {{firstname}}! I know that {{identity.firstname}} tried to reach out already, but I wanted to let you know that your account is a top priority for us. I think we should work together.

Let’s make it happen! 🙂

(212 characters)

  • Followed by another straightforward message if they accept you within the week:

Great to connect! When would you be available for a chat with {{identity.firstname}}, you, and me?

Would love to deep-dive into your current outbound process and show you how {{identity.companyName}} can drastically improve your performance and operations!

  • If they don’t accept your connection request, you fall back on Email to close the loop!

Hey {{firstname}},

I’m personally reaching out after {{identity.firstname}}’s attempt to set up a call with you to showcase {{identity.companyName}}’s multichannel automation capabilities.

I’m the founder of {{identity.companyName}}{{companyName}} is on our top 50 accounts we absolutely want add to our customer Hall of Fame!

Given that:

  • {{Reason 1}}
  • {{Reason 2}}
  • {{Reason 3}}

I’m sure we can help you improve your {lead automation strategies| recruiting processes| go to market| etc.} drastically!

Would love to set up a call later next week, if the timing is right for you? 🙂


That’s basically the heart of the copywriting! The rest is just standard follow-up.

Final Thoughts:

You’re now all set for a great multi-identity strategy – fully automated thanks to La Growth Machine!

If there’s one thing I need you to keep in mind as if it were your own name, it’s to stay transparent and direct. That’s the best copywriting advice you’ll ever get!

It’s one of the reasons why LinkedIn works so much better with this strategy, it just gets rid of all the unnecessary fluff, focusing on what truly matters: genuine engagement and clear communication!

Automate your LinkedIn outreach with La Growth Machine
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