If you’re a salesperson working in B2B sales, lead enrichment is a term you should know.

You work in sales and you’ve got your leads, whether through buying a B2B email list of leads or just simple lead generation forms that you have on hand.

But now what? How can you use this lead list to your advantage to help close more sales and increase lead conversion?

What is lead enrichment? What are its benefits? And how can you use lead enrichment to get more out of your lead list?

In this post, we’ll show you why enriching your leads is the key to turning them into customers and uncover how La Growth Machine can help you get the most out of your lead list.

What is lead enrichment?

Lead enrichment is a process where marketers or sales reps take lead data and add additional layers of information to it, usually by using an enrichment tool.

Lead enrichment is simply taking the available information you have on leads and adding additional layers of data to it. This allows you to really get to know your leads and build a better picture of who they are and how to approach them.

This means that instead of shooting spaghetti at the wall and hoping it sticks with a generic message, you can craft a personalized message tailored to each lead, increasing the chances of conversion.

But what exactly can you enrich in your lead’s data?

Types of lead enrichment data:

Think of enriching leads as adding additional layers of information to your existing lead data.

Contact Info

This is usually what people mean when they talk about enrichment. Getting the contact information of your leads is the number one reason the term lead enrichment even exists!

And you can easily understand why… Without this information, well you can’t reach your lead, no matter how much (else) you know about them.. 😅

The most common examples of contact data you can (and should) enrich:

  • Personal email: Usually great for recruiting purposes
  • Professional email: Great for reaching the leads where they always conduct their work exchanges. But you risk there are a few risks associated with it such as ending up in the dreaded Spam folder or getting full on ignored.
  • Phone numbers: Great to catch your lead off-guard and follow up with them when they haven’t answered you anywhere else. Careful though, it acts as a double-edged sword as reaching someone on their phone considered pretty invasive.
  • etc.

Demographic Data

Just as contact info is the starting line, demographic data provides the depth needed in understanding who your leads really are. This goes beyond just names and numbers, diving into:

  • Age
  • Location
  • Job Positionz

Don’t focus on these too much though, use it as a first segmentation layer over which you’ll add other, more advanced segmentation criteria.

Firmographic Data

This is essentially the corporate equivalent of demographic data. Understanding the company your lead works at is just as crucial as knowing the lead themselves.

Diving into firmographic data brings your lead enrichment process into the realm of B2B precision. Very much needed in our line of work.

This involves gathering insights about:

  • Industry and Sector: Knowing this can help tailor your pitch to address industry-specific challenges or opportunities.
  • Company Size and Revenue: This influences your understanding of their budget, decision-making process, and potential needs.
  • Location: Helps in localization of your marketing efforts and understanding regional market dynamics.
  • Technological Stack: Understanding what technologies a potential client already uses can guide you on how your product can integrate or improve their existing processes.

The more accurate your lead enrichment is, the more up-to-date data you’ll have, the less time you’ll actually spend researching your leads, and the more accurate your messages will be when engaging with them.

Pretty neat, right?

Want to try it out? Have 14 days completely for free!

Automate your LinkedIn outreach with La Growth Machine
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Why is lead enrichment important?

Lead enrichment is an important part of sales prospecting because it helps to ensure that the lead data you have is up-to-date, accurate, and relevant.

By enriching leads with additional lead intelligence, sales reps can identify high-quality leads faster and develop better lead nurturing strategies. Not only that, but it makes it so you can also easily follow up with your leads with this data.

Additionally, lead enrichment also helps:

  • Clean up and standardize your lead data: Lead enrichment helps to ensure that your lead data is standardized, so you can pull better insights from it.
  • Better qualify your leads: Since you have cleaner data, it’ll be easier to qualify leads thanks to the qualification process being based on more accurate data
  • Uncover purchase intent: It can help to reveal a lead’s purchase intent by uncovering their interests, needs, and motivation for buying.
  • Identify trends or commonalities among leads: This can help you uncover commonalities among leads, so you can develop better marketing strategies or create more relevant content.
  • Match leads with the right messaging: Write the most relevant messages that cater to your leads’ individual needs thanks to the aforementioned benefits.

Ultimately, lead enrichment helps to ensure that you get the most out of your leads and maximize lead conversion.

Lead enrichment risks associated with automation

Nevertheless, lead enrichment is not just a great feature that’ll solve all your problems. It also has drawbacks, especially if you’re using an automation tool for your growth strategy.

That’s why it’s important to keep a few things in mind:

  • Weigh the risks associated with automated lead enrichment against the potential benefits.
  • Always use best practices when engaging with prospects and use lead enrichment responsibly.
  • Have an understanding of the legal requirements associated with enrichment and ensure that you adhere to them.
  • Understand how your sales automation tool works and how it could potentially affect your enrichment.

When you upload leads on La Growth Machine, you will notice that they won’t be immediately enriched.

This is completely intentional, as our enrichment process sometimes requires that we visit the lead’s social media profile.

If we were to do hundreds of visits in a bulk, you’d be in a pinch…

Make sure to follow our default (Updated) limits

By spreading out the enrichment process in time, we ensure that your leads get properly enriched without raising any suspicion from LinkedIn or other social media platforms.

Our enrichment process happens as leads are activated in a campaign, and they’ll go down the right path thanks to conditions preset by one of our templates or yourself.

How to enrich leads’ data using La Growth Machine

Now that you understand the basics of lead enrichment and why it’s important, let’s look at how you can enrich your leads’ data using La Growth Machine.

Trust me, it’s really simple.

With our platform, you can easily set up automated workflows for lead enrichment, lead nurturing, and/or overall sales outreach.

Here’s what our Enrich feature can do:

  • We will automatically match verified emails from your CSV or Linkedln Import.
  • Need phone numbers for cold calling? La Growth Machine will provide them for you!
  • No LinkedIn profiles in your file? La Growth Machine can automatically find It using the prospect’s full name and company info!
  • Want to use Twitter for your sales prospecting but don’t know their Twitter account? You get the idea.

Let’s go through an example together, shall we?

As you can see from this screenshot, enrichment is enabled. La Growth Machine will automatically find emails, phone numbers, LinkedIn accounts, and so on…

The next step is to take the leads and segment them based on:

  • If LGM has enriched the lead’s Professional email, then an email will be sent
  • If LGM did not, then the platform will prioritize LinkedIn for the activation

And that’s it! Welcome to your new world of managing leads, saving time, and saving your budget!

Top 5 lead enrichment tools

In case you don’t feel like using La Growth Machine to get the most out of your processes to generate leads, don’t worry, we still got you!

Here’s a list of the 5 most well-known lead enrichment software tools, along with:

  • A brief description
  • Their main advantages
  • Main drawbacks
  • And pricing

We know how arduous the lead enrichment process can seem, but with the help of these tools, you can streamline it and obtain accurate and comprehensive data about your leads.

Take a closer look at each tool’s unique features, advantages, and disadvantages to find the one that is most suitable for your business needs.

Lead Enrichment SoftwareDescriptionAdvantagesDrawbacksPricing
ClearbitReal-time lead enrichment and data validation with advanced search and filtering capabilities, automated lead scoring and qualification, and seamless integration with popular CRM platforms– Advanced search and filtering capabilities
– Automated lead scoring and qualification
– Seamless integration with popular CRM platforms
Can be expensive for larger businesses with high volumes of leadsGet in touch with the sales team
ClayAn automation tool that aggregates data from various sources, allowing users to have a higher enrichment rate. It’s a no-code platform for personalized outbound campaigns and integrates with CRMs and other apps.– Highly accurate and verified data
– Data waterfall enrichment
– Seamless integration with popular sales and marketing tools
High cost can be a barrier for smaller businesses but has a freemium model.Starts at $149 per month for limited credits.
DropContactAutomated lead enrichment and data validation with AI-powered algorithms, enriched data can be downloaded as CSV or integrated with CRM– Affordable pricing
– Automated and quick data enrichment
The accuracy and completeness of data might not always be 100%Based on a number of searches.
Starts at $24/month
LeadGeniusHuman researchers gather and validate data on potential leads, customizable data enrichment and validation workflows, and advanced reporting and analytics– High levels of accuracy and completeness
– Customizable data enrichment and validation workflows
– Advanced reporting and analytics
Higher cost compared to other data enrichment toolsGet in touch with the sales team
Apollo.ioCloud-based sales engagement platform with access to accurate and comprehensive data, advanced search and filtering capabilities, and automated lead scoring and qualification– Access to accurate and comprehensive data
– Advanced search and filtering capabilities
– Automated lead scoring and qualification
Can be expensive for businesses with high volumes of leadsFreemium.
Start at $49/month

Wanna scale your automated prospecting while sending hyper-personalized campaigns?

Access my top enrichment templates using La Growth Machine + Clay right here 👉

It’s up to you now!

Lead enrichment is a powerful way to improve the quality of your leads and increase sales.

By collecting essential information about your leads, you can personalize your approach further and improve your sales outreach.

That said, it’s essential to be aware of the risks associated with automation and ensure that you use a reliable and trusted tool like La Growth Machine.

Want to try it out? Have 14 days completely for free!

Automate your LinkedIn outreach with La Growth Machine
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When it comes to lead enrichment, the possibilities are endless, and the benefits are enormous.

And if you’re looking for the best lead enrichment tools, we’ve got you covered.

Our top five picks are sure to provide you with everything you need to take your business to the next level!

Happy enriching!