High-quality lead data is a game changer for any B2B sales and marketing purposes. As you already know if you work in those fields, improving the quality of your lead information will lead to better ROI. That’s why it’s worth taking the time to do it correctly.

What are we calling leads data? Why are they worth your business? How to proceed with good lead data management? How to ensure your B2B leads data are qualitative?

In this post, we’ll go through a definition of the concept of leads’ data. Then, we’ll talk about how useful they might be for your activity. Finally, we’ll give you a step-by-step tutorial to explain how to deal with B2B leads data.

What is B2B leads data?

B2B leads data can be defined as any piece of information attached to a prospect, in a sales prospecting context.

All this information together can be used as criteria to target and profile your B2B leads.

From this bunch of information – called leads data – you can create a list of leads regarding different marketing segments, and coordinate with your sales team to build up very thin prospecting strategies and generate more leads.

If you’re a marketing person, you should already know that data management is the very first step to achieve before launching any marketing campaign.

If you’re a salesperson, you should already know that the more data you have about your lead, the better chances you have to turn them into clients.

Whether you work in sales or marketing, here is a variety of data that can be useful for your outbound lead generation efforts:

  • Company Data: Size, name, sector, location, website…
  • Employee Data: Number of employees, job title, seniority
  • Industry Data: SIC code, NAICS code
  • Leads profile data: Age, gender, interests

Hundreds of different data can be useful for growth strategies and tools, and that’s what we’re going to see next.

What are the different types of lead data?

As we just said, there are different types of leads data. In marketing, we also call them attributes. Attributes are any type of data that can be attached to a lead and help you target them more accurately.

At LaGrowthMachine, when talking about B2B leads, we aim to regroup attributes through several main data groups:

  • Demographic information: age, gender, position, seniority ;
  • Socio-economic information: income, education level ;
  • Location: country, city, zip code ;
  • Interests: what type of content your lead is interested in, what topics he’s talking about ;
  • Behavioral information: the device your lead is using, his favorite browser/apps / social media.

You can choose some of the attributes above that interest you the most to manage your leads list before launching any sales or marketing campaign.

The question that comes next is: where do you get all this data?

How do you get B2B leads data?

Some say that data is the next huge business to come and they may be right!

In fact, there are already a bunch of companies that have been created to collect, enrich and manage data. We’re talking about data brokers, platforms, and saas software, with many interesting features and technologies to explore.

If you’re interested in leads data, you’ll like to know where to get them.

There are different solutions to get them:

  • Buy data: you can directly buy leads data from third-party providers but in this case, you need to be careful about the quality of the attributes. Also, you should make sure they’re compliant with GDPR. Keep in mind that depending on the broker, data might be poor quality or very expensive!
  • Analyze your own data: you can also get data from your existing tools and media, such as your Google Analytics account, your website hosting service, your social media account, etc…
  • Collect new data: Finally, you can collect new data from any source on the web. To us, it is the most interesting part of the business, but you’ll need some strong technical and data skills to do it properly.

Another way to collect data is to work with LaGrowthMachine, the best B2B lead generation software out there! Our tool is enriching your existing data automatically! You just need to upload a list of leads from any source (CSV, LinkedIn, etc…) and we’ll get you leads data from many attributes such as:

  • Company name;
  • First name, last name;
  • Job title;
  • LinkedIn profile;
  • Phone number;
  • Personal email address;
  • Professional email address;
  • etc…

How to ensure the data is qualitative?

As we said, the main challenge with leads data is to ensure you’ll be able to use it: if you’re getting 100 email addresses but 70 aren’t working, your list of leads comes from 100 to 30.

If you’re getting a 5% conversion rate, you’re going from 5 to 1.6 at the very beginning!

To avoid wasting money and time, you should only rely on high-quality ways to obtain the data in the first place.

To do so, we recommend that you:

  • Take care of the service reputation: if you’re buying data, you should check that the provider is well-known and that people are satisfied with the service. To see that, you can check for reviews on Google or Capterra.
  • Try the service: some tools are offering a free trial to test the service and features. This is the case with LaGrowthMachine.
  • Develop a very accurate homemade method: it’s the most reliable source of data. The downside is that it takes human time to develop and refine the technique.
  • Test the data you’ve bought or collected: once you have your final list of leads with their attributes, you’ll need to check whether the data is really accurate or not.

About this last element: to test your data, the first method consists of testing data attributes as email addresses through verification tools such as Hunter.io.

The second method consists in testing your data through campaigns observing specific KPIs and the results you get once your campaign is over.

The best use case for B2B leads data!

As you probably noticed, a solid B2B data strategy can help you to improve many things.

In this paragraph, we’ll show you how to use data as a part of your lead generation strategy for B2B and for general sales prospecting purposes through the best-automated sales workflow that exists.

Step 1: Collect the data with LinkedIn Sales Navigator

If you are a B2B salesperson, maybe you’re already using Sales Nav. If not, you can visit our post about LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

Basically, it’s one of the best B2B lead generation tools it allows you to collect data on a very large scale through LinkedIn. But most of it, thanks to LinkedIn filters you can lead very accurate targeting.

People have been using this platform for things like their account-based marketing strategies, targeting decision-makers in their industry and building up relationships with potential prospects, but that’s another topic.

You can create a list of thousands of leads with many attributes, such as:

  • First name, last name;
  • Job title;
  • Company size;
  • Geography;
  • Industry vertical;
  • And much more…

When you’ve finished, you can import your list of leads directly into LaGrowthMachine.

Step 2: Enrich the data with LaGrowthMachine

At this stage, it’s time to enrich the data automatically with LaGrowthMachine. When you import your list of leads from Sales Nav to LaGrowthMachine, you get thousands of leads with a good amount of data.

import leads from any source

LaGrowthMachine will go further, though. Our tool will scrape additional data from different sources. This way, you’ll get new data such as:

  • Pro email;
  • Perso email;
  • Phone number;
  • Etc…

Step 3: Manage your data with LaGrowthMachine

With our tool, you can then manage your data in your audience and lead dashboard.

The next step will be to create audiences regarding the different segments of data you got from collecting.

You can create audiences based on your campaign goal, your leads attributes, or whatever you want.

Creating an audience will give you the ability to create multichannel sales campaigns.

Step 4: Set up and launch the campaign

You can now build up a sales campaign.

To do so, you’ll just need to drag and drop some actions through the different channels we’re proposing, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, or Email.

Our technology aims to be very flexible. This means that it will be easy to create personalized sales messages thanks to our variable system and all the leads data you’ve collected in the previous step.

When it’s done, you just need to launch your multichannel sales campaign and observe the results in our live reporting section.

Step 5: Plug LaGrowthMachine into your favorite CRM

Thanks to our open ecosystem, you can plug your CRM into LaGrowthMachine and tag the data the way you want!

crm integration lgm

This way, you’ll get a clean and very accurate process from finding new leads to getting new customers.

Thanks to all of this, you can easily improve customer management and scale your business!