Sales closing techniques are a key component of any sales process, as they help to seal the deal and ensure that you walk away with a new client.

Whether you’re a B2B sales professional or a salesperson working in a retail setting, know that there is no one-size-fits-all sales closing method that works for every scenario.

That said, there are generally things you can do to close deals that work great.

What are sales closing techniques? Why do you need to learn them? And what are some examples of sales closing techniques that you can start using today?

We’ve collected all the top ways to close sales effectively, and we’re sharing them here with you to help you understand how sales closing works and how you can apply it to your B2B sales process.

What are sales closing techniques?

Sales closing techniques are a set of strategies designed to help sales professionals effectively close sales deals and secure new clients. These techniques can be used in both B2B sales scenarios, such as selling to other businesses or larger organizations, and in sales settings that involve consumers and individuals.

Closing deals is the second-to-last stage in the sales funnel, making it a crucial component of sales success.

You can use a sales automation tool such as LaGrowthMachine throughout the sales funnel, even for the closing!

If you are using LaGrowthMachine and you are unsure about your messaging, you can always turn to our support team, who will be happy to review your campaign.

By using our support, we will not only look at the way you set up your sequence but also at your copywriting skills, using the best-known writing rules!

This means that you’ll be sure to close more sales and you’ll learn new tips and tricks for sales copywriting that can help you take your closing skills to the next level.

ask for review lgm

Why do you need to learn sales closing techniques?

Whether you’re new to sales or a seasoned sales professional, learning sales closing techniques is essential if you want to be successful.

Some sales professionals rely on their natural sales talent and charisma to close deals, but the reality is that these skills can only take you so far.

By learning proven sales closing strategies and tactics, you’ll be able to:

  • Increase your sales conversion rates: Obviously, sales closing techniques help sales professionals to close sales deals and secure new clients more effectively, leading to higher sales conversion rates overall.
  • Identify areas where you can improve: By taking the time to learn new techniques, you can also identify areas where you might be struggling or simply could use some improvement.
  • Leave a lasting impression on leads and customers alike: Good sales closing techniques can help you form better connections and relationships with clients, leaving a positive impression that may lead to future sales or referrals.
  • Stand out from the competition: When you’re equipped with powerful sales closing techniques that set you apart, you can win more sales than your competitors and cement yourself as a top sales professional.
  • Boost your income: Whether you use them or not, sales closing techniques are integral to the success of sales professionals – and with more sales, you’ll be able to boost your income as well. This includes “after-sales strategies”, like upselling, which are particularly effective for this matter.

Of course, sales closing is only one piece of the sales process puzzle, but it can make all the difference when it comes to securing new clients and building thriving sales careers.

So what are some examples of sales closing techniques that you can start using today?

10 Sales closing techniques that work:

Closing a sale is all about finding the right opportunity and taking advantage of it. We’ve compiled some sales closing techniques that sales professionals have found to be effective in a wide range of sales scenarios.

1. Keep asking questions

One sales closing technique that sales professionals swear by is simply asking questions to better understand the needs and motivations of their clients.

Though it may seem fairly obvious, sales professionals who take the time to listen closely to their clients and ask targeted questions are much more likely to find sales opportunities.

Not only does this technique help you better understand your leads’ pain points and goals, but it also shows that you’re interested in their needs and committed to helping them achieve success.

Do this no matter which stage of the sales process you’re in – it will help you build a stronger relationship with your leads and close sales more effectively.

2. Leverage sales tools and resources

Nowadays, B2B lead gen software are must-have sales tools, helping sales professionals save time and allowing them to focus on closing sales deals instead of doing manual follow-ups or manual prospecting -can you imagine?

With a tool like LaGrowthMachine, you’ll be able to automate all these pesky, repetitive tasks:

  • Visit your prospect’s LinkedIn profile
  • Add them as a LinkedIn connection
  • Send them messages/ DMs
  • Send them voice messages!
  • And much more…!

Either choose from existing sales prospecting campaign templates that have proven their worth or build your sequences from scratch.

You’ll then be able to follow the performance of each of your operations in our platform (enriched data, opened emails, sent messages, LinkedIn, etc…)

lgm analytics per action
Analytics report example

3. Take advantage of social proof and testimonials

Human beings don’t trust companies anymore, they trust other people.

There’s no better sales closing technique than leveraging existing sales success stories and testimonials to build trust with your prospects.

Whether you choose to use sales case studies or customer success stories, or you’ve put in place a review system, these sales tools can help strengthen your sales pitch and persuade your prospects to move forward with their purchase.

Once you have sales testimonials and social proof on hand, be sure to prominently feature them on your sales website and marketing materials, as well as in sales conversations.

4. Follow up consistently

Even with the best sales closing techniques and sales prospecting tools, it’s often the sales professional who makes or breaks a sale.

That’s why following up consistently and regularly with leads, especially hot ones, is one of the most important sales closing techniques you can use.

Send emails, make sales calls, or send personalized messages on social media to your prospects regularly, and keep the sales process moving forward.

About sales calls: make sure to choose the right strategy for your calling techniques! To get it the good, you must understand the differences between cold calls and hot calls.

5. Go multichannel

Speaking of following up, the more you multiply the points of entry with your sales leads, the more likely you are to retain them and then convert them (3.5 times more actually).

Be careful, though, we are not suggesting you drown your prospect in an ocean of information. Rather, to provide them with enough relevant content and support to become indispensable to them.

Once the contact is engaged on LinkedIn, you are free to continue enriching the data via:

  • An emailing strategy (a newsletter, for example)
  • A phone call (to qualify them or offer your solution)
  • Other social networks (by redirecting them to your Instagram or Twitter account)
  • Blog content
  • White papers to download
  • Advertising campaigns (SEA or SMA)

This is even more in line with our newest feature: Sales Inbox by LaGrowthMachine

lgm inbox

In this section, you will find all your interactions from your LaGrowthMachine campaigns! You can keep track of all your messages right in the app, wherever they come from.

6. Follow where your audience is

To be truly effective, sales closing techniques must take into account where your audience is. Whether that’s on LinkedIn for B2B leads or other social platforms, you need to know how to reach them and engage with them where they are.

This means tailoring your sales approach and sales messaging to the sales channel where your audience spends the most time.

For example, if you find that most of your sales leads are on LinkedIn (as well as their email addresses), you may want to start sharing sales collateral and sales tips on your LinkedIn profile to capture their interest.

7. Set sales goals and metrics

Sales closing techniques won’t be effective unless you set sales targets and track your performance accordingly.

By doing so, you will be able to identify sales process bottlenecks and sales strategies that work, and then scale those techniques as needed to grow your sales pipeline.

For example, if you find that sending sales emails at a certain time of day is most effective for conversions, you can focus on rolling out a sales email automation strategy that will help you send sales emails at the right time consistently.

If you use LaGrowthMachine, you’ll have access to detailed reporting on each individual step in your campaign sequence, so you can see which technique, channel, or copywriting is most effective for converting your sales leads into sales.

lgm analytics per action

8. Be yourself

We had to end on a cliché note.

Often, sales professionals feel pressure to adopt a sales persona that might not reflect their true selves, in order to make sales easier or sound more convincing.

However, this approach can backfire by alienating your prospects and turning them off from buying.

Instead, sales professionals should aim to stay true to their sales approach and personality – being genuine in sales conversations can help build trust and rapport with your sales leads.

With these sales closing techniques, you have the tools and resources needed to successfully pitch and close sales deals that will grow your business.

Happy closing!