If you’re in sales, growth, marketing, recruiting, etc., you know what a pain it is to find your leads’/ candidates’ contact information!

Well, lucky for you, La Growth Machine offers you stellar enrichment capabilities, FOR FREE!

Well… I mean it’s included in your LGM subscription, from the Basic to the Ultimate plan!

Thanks to our partners at DropContact, we’re able to enrich your leads seamlessly:

  • LinkedIn profile.
  • Email (professional AND personal).
  • Phone number.
  • Twitter account.

How do we do it? Read on to find out! 👇

Automate your LinkedIn outreach with La Growth Machine
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But before we get into it, a small disclaimer:

How does LGM find LinkedIn profiles?

For enrichment to work properly, make sure you turn on the feature:

Usually, whenever you import a CSV file from an outside data provider or your own CRM, you will have the following at the very least:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Company Name
  • And maybe the Email

Seldom will you find LinkedIn profiles. And this sucks because as we know, going multi-channel yields 3.5x more replies.

Automate your LinkedIn outreach with La Growth Machine
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Well, if you’re in this situation, LGM’s got you! What our tool does is that it take the aforementioned information (mainly the main three: Name, Last Name, and Company Name) and iterates its search on LinkedIn to find your lead

If you don’t have access to your audience’s LinkedIn profiles, I recommend you start your LGM sequence as follows:

How does LGM find emails?

LGM allows you to reach your audience both on their professional and personal emails.

Each has its use cases:

  • Most of the time, we’ll be using professional emails to deal with sales and growth matters like sales processes, feedback collection, etc.
  • However, in recruiting situations, you’d rather use the candidate’s personal email because otherwise, you could get them in trouble.

Professional emails:

First, let’s cover the professional emails:

Depending on the audience, La Growth Machine will automatically enrich and verify 30-60% of professional emails.

To get to this result, you need one of two pieces of information:

  • A combination of Name + Last Name + Company Name.
  • A LinkedIn profile that has this information.

With this information, La Growth Machine will proceed to test the possible iterations of professional emails:

  • {{firstname}}.{{lastname}}@{{companydomain.com}}
  • {{firstname}}@{{companydomain.com}}
  • {{first.letter.of.firstname}}{{lastname}}@{{companydomain.com}}
  • And so on…

Let’s not get too technical with it, but we’re not actually sending emails to each of these addresses. We’re simply “pinging” them to see if they’re there.

Here’s Adrien who can explain it way better than I ever could:

Personal emails:

Depending on the audience, La Growth Machine will automatically enrich up to 80% of personal emails.

That’s way higher that the professional email rate! Why is that?

It’s thanks to LinkedIn! According to our internal data, 80% of LinkedIn profiles display their emails (the one they used to create their LinkedIn account) with their connections.

What LGM does is simply head over to all of the audience’s LinkedIn profiles and scrape their emails.

How does LGM find phone numbers?

Did you know that LGM can also find your leads’ phone numbers?

Depending on the audience, La Growth Machine will automatically enrich and verify 10-25% of phone numbers.

According to our own data, up to 28% of LinkedIn users share the phone number with their connections.

It’s the same as personal emails; once you’re connected to the person on LinkedIn and they chose to share the contact information publicly, LGM goes and fetches it! 🏆

If your leads don’t seem to be sharing their phone number on their profile, check out my full guide: How to Find your Leads’ Phone Numbers on LinkedIn.

How does LGM find Twitter information?

Lastly, the third channel in our multi-channel tool: Twitter (Yes I still refuse to call it X).

Depending on the audience, La Growth Machine will automatically enrich and verify 10-25% of Twitter handles.

It’s the exact same thing as for personal emails and phone numbers:

If the lead doesn’t list any Twitter account on their LinkedIn profile, LGM will automatically search for it directly on Twitter using the First Name + Last Name + Company Name combination.

If there is a match, we return it! :)

⚠️⚠️Wanna scale your automated prospecting while sending hyper-personalized campaigns?

Access my top enrichment templates using La Growth Machine + Clay right here 👉

Final Thoughts:

Well as you can see, LGM can enrich almost all the contact information you need to reach out to your leads.

If you want to learn more about the technicality of our enrichment process and how it works, I suggest you head over to our article: How Does Enrichment Work in La Growth Machine?

All that remains for you now is to take that contact information and use it to your advantage to reach out to your leads wherever they are! And what better tool for that than La Growth Machine? 😏

Automate your LinkedIn outreach with La Growth Machine
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