Whether you’re in sales, marketing, or recruitment, prospecting sequences have never been easy. You have to know which actions to put before or after the others, how and when to contact your prospects, etc.

And this is mainly talking about a simple, single-channel sequence that only uses one messaging platform, such as email sequencing for instance.

We, at La Growth Machine, have a different opinion: Multi-channel sequences are just the better way to go. Even more so when you consider the response rate increase that comes with it.

In this article, we will show you more than 3 different successful multi-channel sequence examples that have been proven to boost response rates by over 250%.

Let’s get started! 😎

What is a multichannel sequence?

A multi-channel sequence is an automated sequence of messages and contacts over several channels.

We often talk about LinkedIn and email, the two most traditional channels when it comes to prospecting.

However, we at La Growth Machine -and other multi-channel sales automation tools – include platforms like Twitter for instance in our workflows. Some people might also consider WhatsApp, or even a phone call, which can also be considered as another channel.

Learn how MeltingSpot’s performance was enhanced by La Growth Machine’s multi-channel approach!
Check out the full case study 👉

What are the key drivers of multi-channel sequences?

The main purpose of a multi-channel sequence is to increase the chances of getting noticed and responded to. So, once you use a multichannel approach, you can expect to:

1. Multiply touchpoints to increase the chances of getting a reply:

It’s actually quite simple: if you’re only using one channel, you can expect a certain rate of response.

However, when combining different channels, it multiplies your exposure and you would be able to reach leads in different ways, as different leads may be more active on certain channels over others.

2. The possibility of emulating more human actions

Email (single-channel) automation has a bad reputation because it is associated with impersonal messages, mass outbound, etc. This would turn prospects off and impact the success of your campaigns.

Multi-channel allows you to emulate human behavior by spacing out each action and personalizing messages, giving the impression of real interaction. This would feel more natural and therefore increase your chances of success.

3. Building trust and enhancing content:

This goes hand in hand with the previous point. Having an adapted approach for each channel creates a relationship of trust and reinforces your credibility.

Similarly, actions such as chain-sending messages (when you send 2 or more messages consecutively) reinforce the idea of human and non-automated communication.

In short, multi-channel sequences offer the possibility of optimizing interactions with leads and ultimately, increasing the chances of successful lead generation campaigns

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get into the 3 successful multi-channel sequences that you can start using today! 😉

Multi-channel Sequence 1: LinkedIn + Email: 3 follow-ups

When you’re looking to start a multi-channel campaign, your choice of sequences needs to be adapted to your target and their presence on the channels.

This, however, is a universal sequence that works well: Use a combination of LinkedIn and email with three follow-ups.

LinkedIn > Email > Call: 2 Follow-ups

Here’s a breakdown of the sequence step-by-step:

  • Profile visit: The first point of contact. Visit the LinkedIn profile to create awareness and demonstrate human-like behavior. No one would add you before they take a look at your profile.
  • Add relation: Send an invitation and make sure you include a personalized connection message (LinkedIn note).
  • If the lead doesn’t accept your request within 7 days**: Fall back on email with three messages for a gentle approach.
    • The first email highlights the lead’s problem and offers added value without asking for an immediate call.
    • The second is there for reassurance using social proof and to invite to a discovery call. You can discuss the results achieved with other competitors for instance and therefore, how you can do better.
    • The last email is the “Breakup email”. It seeks to understand why the prospect hasn’t replied, in order to better qualify them.
    • In sales outreach, I like to add a Call action button***, and depending on the audience, I’d use it either after or instead of the breakup email.
  • If the lead accepts your requests but doesn’t reply: Same thing, follow up once or twice. Then, send a last message in the form of the same “Break up” email (if you have it) or even call the lead.

** You can play with the number of days you wait before moving on to the next action. If your target uses LinkedIn often, reduce it to 3 days as they likely won’t accept you after that. Conversely, if they rarely use the platform, wait for up to 14 days before switching over to email.

***A phonecall is just a more human way to address your prospect. It’s much harder to say no to someone over the phone rather than by message. So use that to your advantage!

Want call scripts that are used by actual experts to boost your conversion rates? Ask and you shall receive! Click here 👇

Using this multi-channel sequence, the team achieved compelling results by reaching active prospects on LinkedIn and gradually qualifying them on La Growth Machine.

Multi-channel Sequence 2: Email + LinkedIn: 3 follow-ups

Our second sequence is the same as the one above, with the one variation being we start with email and fall back on LinkedIn later.

This is meant for the leads who are either:

  • Not very active on LinkedIn
  • Active on LinkedIn but prefer email to discuss new opportunities. (Typically complex industries)
Email > LinkedIn: 3 Follow-ups

Let’s break it down:

  • Profile Visit: The sequence begins, surprisingly, with a LinkedIn profile visit.
  • After that, it’s quite self-explanatory, you check if LGM has been able to enrich their Professional email. In the case of recruiters, change it to Personal email since it’s much better than grilling them with their boss on their pro account
  • Once you send the first email, you wait for 7 days**
  • If they don’t reply, you visit their profile once more. Again, this is a reminder so that when they see the LinkedIn notification, they’ll probably remember that you sent them an email.
  • Now if the lead still hasn’t replied, you can send them a follow-up email. In this one, it’s good to include some kind of social proof or example of success from people in their industry/position. This is especially effective for those who are more hesitant about making changes and need reassurance.

** Once again, tweak this number depending on how active they are by email.

Multi-channel sequence 3: LinkedIn Voice + Reactivation through 2nd identity:

This sequence is our bread and butter. It’s a well-thought-out approach that utilizes the multi-identity approach.

Let’s break it down in order to understand why it’s quite effective.

  • Visit profile + Add relation: We’re targeting a digital audience here, so we start just like with the previous campaign by visiting and adding the lead on LinkedIn.
  • If they don’t accept: Simple, we switch to email as our fallback:
    • Visit LinkedIn profile once more: Wait for a couple of days then visit their profile to stay top-of-mind.
    • Send the follow-up email: You can add the mention of your LinkedIn request and that they can accept you there. Again, LinkedIn is a bit less formal and so it’s a “no pressure” situation for the lead.
    • “Is a contact?” condition: After your follow-up, check to see if they’ve accepted you. If yes, you continue the conversation on LinkedIn (keep in mind that you already sent them 2 emails, so add new content). If they haven’t, then you use the last resort “Break Up” email.
  • If they accept, Visit + Intro: We visit them once more just to emulate human behavior, and then we send our first introduction message.
    • If they don’t reply: Send a message, immediately followed by a voice message. You want everyone who’s a connection on LinkedIn to hear your lovely voice! 🙂
    • If they still don’t reply: Well, it’s one of two things; either they really don’t like your voice (doubtful), or they’re just not active on LinkedIn. In this case, you switch to their professional email if you have it. Always highlighting what has been said on LinkedIn.

Want to send a voice message to your lead but have writer’s block? I’ve got you covered! Download our Top 11 LinkedIn Voice Message Scripts Right Here 👇

If the lead didn’t reply anywhere – Reactivation:

That’s what the very last block is for! If nothing worked, then you add the lead to a new audience -that’s associated with another campaign meant just for reactivating them:

It’s the last resort, if none of the above has worked, then you can reactivate the lead:

  • The leads are added to a new audience that’s handled by another LGM identity, preferably a C-Level executive or a manager of some sort.
  • The new identity will now launch a new, much shorter campaign:
Reactivation multi-channel sequence
  • It will include copywriting along the lines of:

Hi there {{firstname}},

{{identity.firstname}} tried to reach you recently, maybe you were on vacation? Or perhaps you didn’t have time to reply?

I’m taking the liberty of contacting you as we’ve identified {{companyName}} as a priority for this end of the year.

So that’s why I’m reaching out…

This is the “CEO” contacting them. That’s very flattering. So you play with the weight that a C-level executive has when contacting a lead.

The idea with the combination of two hierarchical identities and generally with this sequence is to play around two things:

  1. Personalization and the human approach: The strategy emphasizes the human touch with action buttons like the voice message, the chain sending of messages, etc. This LinkedIn feature is amazing for prospecting because it adds a little extra pinch of connection making the sales workflow seem more natural.
  2. A simple psychological trick: When the prospect is contacted by a hierarchical superior after the salesperson, they feel more valued, and therefore, they’d be more likely to pay attention to what you offer.

I recommend giving it a bit of time before reactivating the leads. It’ll depend on the approach (e.g. copywriting), the context (e.g. what you’re selling, is there an urgency?), the timing (e.g. Summer/ Christmas breaks?), etc.

I’d recommend giving it a week or so before following up, to give the person time to reply, maybe they weren’t available. So don’t be too pushy, allow one week then the ‘CEO’ will get back to them!

BONUS Multi-channel sequence: Recruiting

For our last sequence, we thought it’d be fitting to add a multi-channel sequence for the recruiters among our readers.

This campaign is quite beautiful in its simplicity:

  • LinkedIn profile visit: As usual, you start with a profile visit to let your candidates know you’re there. To pique their curiosity if you will.
  • Verify “Is a contact?”: When you’re a recruiter, a talent acquisition agent, etc., you tend to add tons of people to your network (from past opportunities for instance). So it’d be relevant to add this action since the copywriting will change depending on this detail.
  • If they’re a contact:
    • Send message: A classic introduction message that lets the lead know why you’re contacting them. Don’t dump a ton of info here, just 2-3 sentences will do the job.
    • Send voice: In case they don’t reply within a number of days, send a voice message. This works wonders with our LGM clients. According to our internal statistics, it boosted the recruiter’s response rate by 70%! Honestly, even if they do reply, make sure to include this step because it works so well with job candidates especially!
    • “Has Personal Email?”: Pretty self-explanatory, you check to see if LGM has been able to enrich their personal email. If so, send an email, and if not, send one last follow-up LinkedIn message.
  • If they’re not a contact:
    • Pretty much the same scenario, only the copywriting will change to add “Thanks for accepting me into your network 🙂
    • If they don’t accept your request: In this case, we added a little option to Wait for 2 weeks and Visit their profile once more just as a subtle follow-up to remind them that you’re interested in them.

Final Thoughts

We’ve seen all the different types of sequences:

  • The classic sequence
  • Reactivation
  • And the recruitment sequence

The classic sequence is the one we recommend. Whether it starts with LinkedIn or by e-mail depends on the target. So you really need to link this to your sales segmentation.

In any case, this should be the common thread running through your campaigns. That is there’s no single multi-channel sequence that performs best, you really have to adapt it to your target.

Want to see how multi-channel sequences can boost your response rate?

Here’s a case study we recently carried out on one of our clients, make sure to check it out!

Learn how MeltingSpot’s performance was enhanced by La Growth Machine’s multi-channel approach!
Check out the full case study 👉